Frequently Asked Questions!
What it hypnosis? Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation in which the subconscious mind is receptive to positive thoughts and suggestions. Its purpose as a therapeutic technique is to help you understand and gain more control over your behavior, emotions or physical well-being.
Can I be hypnotized? Absolutely. Everyone enters a state of hypnosis throughout the day. An example is watching a movie when you get so entranced that it makes you feel certain emotions.
What does hypnosis feel like? Some say they feel light and tingly, some feel heavy, and some just feel relaxed and calm. Whatever you experience is right for you.
Can I stay stuck in hypnosis?
At any given moment, you can open your eyes and stand up. This is a deeper state of concentration that helps you focus on your thoughts and what you want to accomplish. I won't make you quack like a duck or do anything that you do not want to do. You are aware and in control at all times.
How long will it take to notice a difference? It all depends; sometimes there's a breakthrough during the session, other times a deep understanding comes in a dream, and sometimes change happens in subtle ways as we create new associations with the goals and habits you are working on. It is a cooperative process that requires your active participation and imagination.